5.7 mil HP Universal Adhesive Vinyl, 2" cores: 2 Rolls/Ctn

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We only ship in per carton quantities.

The "MIN QTY" shown represents the number of cartons and the number of rolls per carton.

36" x 66' (2 Rolls/Ctn - 2 in Cores)
36" x 66' (2 Rolls/Ctn - 2 in Cores)
SKU C2T51AMore Details+
42" x 66' (2 Rolls/Ctn - 2 in Cores)
42" x 66' (2 Rolls/Ctn - 2 in Cores)
SKU C2T52AMore Details+
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35 Pond Park Road, Hingham, MA.
800-255-8012 | sales@topazeng.com

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